Christian Faith Blog

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Exploring Biblical Patience Through Scripture and Style

In our journey as followers of Christ, patience is not just a virtue but a command. Living in a world where everything is but a click away, the biblical concept of patience might seem outdated at f...


The History of Christian Attire: From Ancient Robes to Modern Tees

From the flowing robes of ancient prophets to the graphic tees we wear today, the history of Christian attire is as rich and diverse as the faith itself. Each era in Christian history has contribut...


A Deep Dive into the Parables of Jesus and Their Modern-Day Applications

In our journey of faith, the Bible serves not just as a sacred text but as a roadmap filled with rich, timeless lessons meant to guide us in our daily lives. Among these are the parables told by Je...

Torch shined heart on open Bible

Decoding Biblical Love: How to Embrace God's Greatest Commandment

In our journey as followers of Christ, understanding the essence of Biblical love holds the key to transforming not just our spiritual lives but also how we express ourselves in everyday life. Bibl...

Man discovers a door inside a Bible

Let God Guide Your Steps | How To Be Christian

Embracing God's Timing in Our Journey It's easy to be sucked into the race and never stop competing and aiming for success in today's fast-paced environment. Looking back at my own journey and the...

Woman looking into mirror

A Call to Christian Authenticity (Lose your ego)

As Christians, there comes a time in our spiritual journey when we have to make the conscious decision to stop plugging into the ways of the world around us and instead plug into the Kingdom of G...