Let God Guide Your Steps | How To Be Christian

Man discovers a door inside a Bible

Embracing God's Timing in Our Journey

It's easy to be sucked into the race and never stop competing and aiming for success in today's fast-paced environment. Looking back at my own journey and the expansion of Great Commission Company, I see how important it is to line up with God's timeline. I discuss my personal experiences and thoughts that have influenced this knowledge in my most recent video.

Discovering the Right Pace

In my early 20s, especially in University, I was really ambitious to have a career in the music business. To increase my visibility, I used every social media trick I knew. I once prayed for a manager, and before I knew it, I received an email from someone who was interested in taking on that role. I learned from this experience that when you go forward in confidence, God takes care of your needs.

But the most important thing I've learned over the years is that while speed itself isn't always a bad thing, how we relate to it is important. The desire for rapid success often ends in choices and compromises that aren't in line with God's intention. Though the outside world may pressure us to move more quickly, the timing of God is flawless.

Trusting the Process

I go into detail in my movie on how God gets us ready for our benefits. God is able to discern when we are actually prepared for the next phase of our path, much like a parent is when their child is ready for a toy or food. Sometimes we have to wait and go through a process of preparation before we can have what we seek. Although it's not always easy to understand this at the time, it becomes obvious that what was happening was what we needed when we look back.

Finding Joy in Alignment

To be in alignment with God's timing is to put your complete faith in Him. It involves growing to appreciate the process and the journey as much as the answered prayer. At Great Commission Company, we make it a priority to renew our minds daily, to align ourselves with this. Our Christian streetwear represents more than just style and fashion; it's about living a life that's in line with God's plan and demonstrating faith through a confident Christian lifestyle.

Watch the Full Video

Watch the full video where I discuss these insights in greater detail. Learn how embracing God’s timing can transform your approach to life and success. Click Let God Guide Your Steps | How To Be Christian to watch the video and join the conversation. Subscribe, Like, Comment & Share.

Appreciate you being part of this journey. Also, remember, the best way to achieve your goals is by following God's pace and his roadmap for your life, trusting His process, and staying true to His purpose for you.

Stay blessed, GhostLotus

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