Judging Progress: The Long-Term Perspective

Progress written on chalk board

The Trap of Short-Term Focus

In our daily lives, it is easy for us to become fixated on the short term. So much in our lives revolves around short-term cycles like bills, rent, and work, it's difficult to get out of that mental cycle. We often measure our success based on how today went. When things don't go as planned, we tend to project that day forward, anticipating the next one to end in the same way. This outlook can spiral out of control and if you don't take those thoughts captive, it could impact your faith.

The Importance of Long-Term Reflection

True progress should be determined by looking at the long term. Rather than focusing on the immediate results, we should take a step back and consider the bigger picture. Consider where you were in the past versus where you are now. This perspective can be extremely enlightening and uplifting.

Reflecting on Past Milestones

Consider where you were a decade ago. Consider who you were, what challenges you faced, and what your aspirations were. Now compare that to your current self. Even if growth appears slow or insignificant when you look at it on daily basis, a longer-term perspective tells a different story.

Progress Over the Years

  • Ten Years Ago: What were your dreams and ambitions? What obstacles did you overcome? Chances are, you've achieved things you once thought impossible.
  • Five Years Ago: Reflect on the skills you've acquired and the personal growth you've experienced. Even if you faced hardships, you likely emerged stronger and wiser.
  • Two Years Ago: Consider the new relationships you've built and the experiences that have shaped you. How have these contributed to your growth?
  • Two Weeks Ago: Even in the short span of a few weeks, you can find moments of progress. Perhaps you handled a situation better than you would have in the past or learned something new that expanded your horizons.

Zoom Out for Clarity

To get a true sense of your progress, we have to zoom out and see our path from a broader perspective. This allows us to see the overall impact of our efforts and recognise our progress. This long-term perspective helps us keep a positive attitude and stay motivated.

Conclusion: Stay Blessed

Remember that progress is a journey, not a destination. When you're feeling disheartened by short-term setbacks, take a minute to step back and reflect on your progress. By focusing on the long term, you'll see that you're not where you once were, which is evidence of your progress and dedication. Stay blessed and keep pushing forward.

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